For those who are fans of the dystopian and apocalyptic genres, this new movie trailer has been drumming up a lot of attention. The new movie behind the scenes shows what it’s like to live in a world where everything has been destroyed. Cities are now mobile, as no one can safely stay in one place for any amount of time. Those who live in smaller cities are constantly at risk of being devoured by others who survive in larger cities. The ability to get through each day is more difficult than anyone could have imagined before the Sixty Minute War.

This new movie trailer demonstrates just how desperate people can become when faced to fight for their own survival. Many are willing to go to extremes to hold onto what they have—and maybe even pick up a little more along the way. In this climate, it’s practically impossible to stay alive. During this new movie behind the scenes, audiences are treated to a window within this strange and complex world. It’s no surprise that so many are excited to see the full film, because the trailer promises thrills and chills aplenty.

Out of all the new movies making debuts around Christmas this year, this one is proving to be the one that generates the most buzz with moviegoers. Keeping audiences on the edge of their seats, this tale serves as a warning and a reminder of all the chaos that war can create. With an incredible cast of characters and some truly dynamic special effects, this is truly unlike all of the other new movies making their way to theaters shortly. From the production value, acting and directing, this feature film will remind people of how fun it can be to experience movie magic up close and personal.