The King returns in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters”
This last Saturday in San Diego, Legendary Pictures unleashed the fury with their new movie trailer for Godzilla, King of Monsters. During the Warner Bros. panel previewing new movies at the San Diego Comic Con, director Michael Dougherty and members of the cast, including Vera Farmiga (The Conjuring) and Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things) discussed the behind the scenes of the new movie that many fans have been waiting for. In the upcoming new movie trailer, which is the third entry in the Monsterverse series, the King not only plays a larger role than the previous film, but is joined by three other iconic Kaiju monsters: Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra. The grand scale and epic imagery in the newly released movie trailer is accompanied by the haunting Claire De Lune, depicting the majesty and terror of witnessing the Titans striding upon the Earth. It also includes scenes showing natural disasters unleashing wrath on our planet. Never fear, it appears as if the world’s most well-known Kaiju is here to help humanity, as depicted in a scene with Millie Bobby Brown meeting the great Godzilla. The panel discussed a bit more about the new movie behind the scenes, describing how the plot of the film centers on a scientist (Farmiga) working with the monster watching organization, Monarch, and a quest to awake the monsters in the hopes of averting our planet’s destruction. Dougherty mentioned the possibility that more of there being more of the classic Kaijus in the film, which, at this early date of promotion are so far being kept top secret. We can be sure that more info from the new movie behind the scenes will be unveiled as it approaches its May 31, 2019 release date to compete with the other new movies next summer. Until then, we can witness the awe inspiring and terrifying spectacle of Godzilla and the others wreak havoc across the Earth.