According to Vanity Fair, Hillary Clinton’s “victory over Bernie Sanders is inevitable.” They have made this prediction, even though Sanders is leading in New Hampshire and Iowa. He has produced a video ad that evokes feelings of hope, entitled America that has seemed to truly touch hearts.

So why the bold prediction from Vanity Fair?

Hendrick Hertzberg once told The New Yorker that Clinton had immense talents, but “Barack Obama is a phenomenon that comes along once in a lifetime. Unfortunately for Hillary, it’s her lifetime.”

If Sanders takes New Hampshire and Iowa, Vanity Fair claims that after a few weeks of his victories, the momentum of the race will change and voters will be inspired in blue states, but they will not turn to Clinton. She can campaign harder on judgment, however, Iraq negates that message. There is her experience in the political arena, alongside her goals for the future of America. However, if Clinton were to take that stance, it would insult the current president, who Democratic voters are still standing behind.

Clinton can attempt to keep her opponents at bay with inconveniently scheduled debates, but that has already backfired on her. So, she hosted a town hall meeting on Jan. 31, 2016.

Vanity Fair suggested “kneecapping” as a solid Clinton offense. In 2008, her campaign chose to speak out of anger concerning Obama’s pastor. She pushed the issue of Obama’s ties to Bill Ayers, a former terrorist, including advertising a picture of Obama dressed as a Somali elder when he took a trip to Kenya. Those ploys did not work in her favor.

Clinton, so far, seems to be more restrained, using proxies to talk about Sanders being a socialist, accusing him of threatening to take away American’s healthcare, and referring to his new video ad as racist, due to “excessive whiteness.” These attacks have not been effective to her campaign either.

Vanity Fair says this is how Clinton will take the Democratic campaign from Sanders.

  • Clinton does not reveal panic in tight situations. The assumption is that Sanders will take New Hampshire and most likely Iowa, causing her to lose a significant amount of support.
  • The magazine believes that Sanders will not be able to gain the amount of support Obama garnered from the Southern black voters, and the majority of the New England voters that supported Clinton in 2008 will most likely support her now.
  • So, it is predicted that Clinton will gain a narrow lead slowly across the U.S.
  • The former secretary of state is believed to already have South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Michigan, New York, Indiana, Illinois, and California. Possibly even more of the South.
  • The New York Times has reported, however, that Justin Bamberg, a South Carolina state representative, has withdrawn his support for Clinton believing Sanders to have the superior platform. Bamberg appreciates that Sanders is not afraid to think differently and call it like it is, so to speak. He is also the lawyer for Walter Scott’s family. Scott was a young black man, shot by a white police officer in South Carolina, April 2016. Bamberg was able to speak with Sanders on this subject and has taken the time to learn more about the senator. Bamberg said their conversation was not between a presidential candidate and a state representative, but a discussion between two men about things they are passionate about, thus changing his support from Clinton to Sanders. This could be a game changer.
  • Situations, such as this, can take an ugly turn for Clinton. Endorsements are publically made, withdrawn, and changed, causing people to re-think their own preference, as well. A spokesperson for the Sanders campaign, Symone Sanders, believes the endorsement from Bamberg could mean Clinton’s “firewall” in the South may be crumbling. She could lose the support of more Southern black voters.
  • As of Jan. 24, 2016, Clinton held 60 percent of the South Carolina Democrat votes and Sanders had 38 percent, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.
  • Learning from her mistakes in 2008, she will be attentive in the caucus states and, as a result, it is believed she will have the votes to be on the ballot.
  • This is the prediction of Vanity Fair, which is all banking on the ongoing investigation into her private e-mail not leading to more serious trouble for her.
  • Otherwise, the negative things that could be said about her choices and actions have been aired for all and have possibly run their course.
  • She can continue to remind voters that she is the most prepared person to run for office, in this election.
  • Also, she can remind voters they will not lose the progress Obama has made by voting for her.
  • Sanders is still in the news, being referred to as a socialist or a communist, thanks to the opposition. Vanity Fair believes that his domestic agenda will not happen unless the legislative branch is removed from power.
  • This is Clinton’s campaign pitch, “uptight and guarded – but so is Hillary,” as written by Vanity Fair.

All this being said Clinton does put much emphasis on her experience in the White House and in politics. She has shown she can be tough on an international level, whether good or bad. Clinton and Obama are close-knit and she is often stressing the preservation of Obama’s progress. She has spoken positively about Sanders, yet, it is her team that stresses his socialist agenda and she has leaned to the left on some policies, such as trade. It is possible that she could lose the New Hampshire and Iowa caucus and still regain political control. Clinton is using the “fear of a common foe” as a campaign strategy, calling Democrats to come together and thus has become the poster child for Democrats, as written by Vanity Fair.

However, Sanders’ campaign is focused on economic justice, invites the Democrats to fight within themselves. “Political parties don’t like to think, and with Hillary Clinton they don’t have to,” states

However, Sanders’ campaign is focused on economic justice. This invites the Democrats to fight within their own party. “Political parties don’t like to think, and with Hillary Clinton they don’t have to,” states Vanity Fair and they continue by suggesting a t-shirt be made with the logo, “Don’t overthink it. Just vote Hillary.”

By Jeanette Smith


Vanity Fair: Hillary Clinton Cannot Be Stopped
The Washington Free Beacon: South Carolina Democrat Withdraws Support for Hillary Clinton
Walter Scott lawyer endorses Bernie Sanders instead
The New York Times: Lawyer for Walter Scott Family Switches Sides to Endorse Bernie Sanders
Image Courtesy of Disney|ABC Television Group’s Photostream’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License