Monthly Archives: February 2016

Academy Awards Spotlight Will Be on a Racial Protest

ABC will air the 88th Academy Awards on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, and its ceremony will begin broadcasting at 5:30 p.m. PST. Comedian Chris Rock will be hosting tonight, but this year, Hollywood will be hosting a different type of gathering in honor of the event. The Academy Awards and its spotlights will be on [...]

By |February 29th, 2016|Blog, Entertainment|Comments Off on Academy Awards Spotlight Will Be on a Racial Protest

President Obama Encouraged Americans to Embrace Change [Video]

President Barack Hussein Obama delivered his final State of the Union address Tuesday evening. Using his trademarked style of eloquent speech, the President of the United States focused on national security, the economy and election process as well as encouraging Americans to embrace change. He spoke of the many changes the country has soared through [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on President Obama Encouraged Americans to Embrace Change [Video]

Supreme Court to Influence Elections

Monday, January 11, 2016, marks the beginning of the United States Supreme Court’s new year, and, with 2016 being an election year, decisions rendered by the Court could have an impact in the political realm. The Court has a controversial docket in the coming year, including cases on abortion, affirmative action, contraceptives, immigration, labor unions, and voting rights. [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Supreme Court to Influence Elections

Dead Heat at Iowa Caucus Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

According to the NBC News Entrance Polls, questions of age, ideological differences, and issues have influenced which Democrats supported Hillary Clinton and which backed Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucuses held on Feb. 1, 2016. At 11:20 p.m. CST, the two are still neck and neck. Clinton was chosen by 88 percent of Democratic voters [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Dead Heat at Iowa Caucus Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Can Bernie Sanders Stop Hillary Clinton? [Video]

According to Vanity Fair, Hillary Clinton’s “victory over Bernie Sanders is inevitable.” They have made this prediction, even though Sanders is leading in New Hampshire and Iowa. He has produced a video ad that evokes feelings of hope, entitled America that has seemed to truly touch hearts. So why the bold prediction from Vanity Fair? [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Can Bernie Sanders Stop Hillary Clinton? [Video]

Jacob Zuma Fails to Participate at Davos

After spending over ZAR 4 million to attend the annual African debate in Davos, Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, failed to take part in the discussion. It would seem that the leaders of South Africa do not take pressing issues seriously, and one can only assume the government is aware of the possible [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on Jacob Zuma Fails to Participate at Davos

ANC Uses Racism as Election Theme

The African National Congress (ANC) is using racism as an election theme, and the latest call to lambaste another Democratic Alliance (DA) member gives credence to the party’s failing ability to retain originality. DA MP Anchen Dreyer attended an event on October 10, 2015, which commemorated Paul Kruger, president of the Transvaal during the 1800s. [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on ANC Uses Racism as Election Theme

Downhill for Jacob Zuma as Julius Malema Steps Up

In an extraordinary move, President Jacob Zuma offered to pay back some of the money spent on the Nkandla upgrades, and this strategy could be his downfall, especially as Julius Malema steps up the game on corruption. When the public protector issued a statement two years ago urging the president to repay some of the money, [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on Downhill for Jacob Zuma as Julius Malema Steps Up

Concealing the Reality of Racism in South Africa

South Africa is concealing the reality of racism and, without condoning the recent backlash of remarks made by members of the public and government, it is indeed a huge favor. People will believe that South Africa is in severe trouble, and the recent racist remarks have set in motion a process to help others understand [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on Concealing the Reality of Racism in South Africa

South Africa ANC Stealing Pension Fund With Ease

The African National Congress (ANC) ruling party of South Africa are now able to steal and eat the workers’ pension and provident fund money with ease, and as fate would have it, the ANC have apparently started stealing the money. The United Democratic Movement's (UDM) Bantu Holomisa has filed a complaint with the Public Protector, [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on South Africa ANC Stealing Pension Fund With Ease

F.W. De Klerk Enters the South African Racial Debacle

F.W. De Klerk has entered the South African racial debacle by lodging a formal complaint. What can the South African government do to eliminate racism? South Africa, it seems, is going through a mini-revolution, and in certain quarters, tempers have reached the boiling point. Black, colored, white and Indian people all have a list of [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on F.W. De Klerk Enters the South African Racial Debacle

Istanbul Slowly Becoming a Graveyard for Tourists?

The death of 17 foreign nationals in Istanbul on Jan. 12, 2016, at the hands of a “Saudi-born Syrian national" affiliated to the caliphate ISIL, is arguably a disturbing sign that Istanbul is being slowly turned into a graveyard for tourists. According to media reports, most of the people killed by the suicide bomber were German nationals on holiday. The [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Istanbul Slowly Becoming a Graveyard for Tourists?

Iran Sanctions: Did America Negotiate With the Terrorist? [Video]

As the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates the lifting of crippling international sanctions imposed for its controversial nuclear program, the Obama administration has met fierce criticism from both the domestic turf and Gulf region for being lenient towards Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency certified that Tehran had complied with the terms of the nuclear [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Middle East, Political News|Comments Off on Iran Sanctions: Did America Negotiate With the Terrorist? [Video]

Hassan Rouhani Seeks Blessings From Pope Francis [Video]

On Jan. 26, 2016, Pope Francis welcomed the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to the Vatican as Tehran seeks to re-engage the world after years of international isolation. The Vatican said the historic visit by Rouhani was an important gesture of goodwill that will help in bringing peace to the volatile Gulf region. However, observers strongly [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Middle East, Political News|Comments Off on Hassan Rouhani Seeks Blessings From Pope Francis [Video]

Hillary Clinton Receives Endorsement From Boston Globe Editorial Board

On Jan. 24, 2016, the editorial board of the Boston Globe Newspaper published their support for Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary. The board states she is the best choice, not because of her opponents weaknesses but, instead, for her "demonstrated strength and experience." New Hampshire's primary is scheduled for Feb. 9, [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Hillary Clinton Receives Endorsement From Boston Globe Editorial Board

2016 Elections: What Are Primaries and Caucuses?

Even though the most common term used in the United States for nominating a candidate is called a primary, the election process includes caucuses and primaries. In 2016, voters in America have more access to terminology through the internet, yet the facts may be confusing. There is more focus on the Iowa Caucus, which is scheduled [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on 2016 Elections: What Are Primaries and Caucuses?

Martin O’Malley Suspends His Presidential Bid

According to NBC News, Martin O'Malley, 53, has announced plans to suspend his presidential campaign. The decision was made early in the evening during the Iowa Caucus when he failed to gain enough votes. The former governor of Maryland originally launched his candidacy with big hopes and a strong resume, but his campaign never gained momentum. [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Martin O’Malley Suspends His Presidential Bid

Iowa Caucus: Lies Tweets and Coin Tosses Created Wins and Losses

On Monday, Feb. 1, 2016, the first event to select delegates in the presidential nomination took place in Iowa. The caucus results have brought disappointment to many candidates and their supporters. However, excitement and encouragement were also found by others. The final polls on Jan. 30, stated Hillary Clinton had three percent more support than [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Political News|Comments Off on Iowa Caucus: Lies Tweets and Coin Tosses Created Wins and Losses

Laurent Gbagbo Trial: Is the ICC Targeting African Leaders?

Laurent Gbagbo, former president of Ivory Coast, pleaded not guilty to four charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Jan. 28, 2016. Gbagbo was charged with murder, rape, persecution, and other inhumane acts allegedly committed by his supporters during the 2010 presidential election standoff with the incumbent, President Alassane Quattara. His arraignment [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Africa, Political News|Comments Off on Laurent Gbagbo Trial: Is the ICC Targeting African Leaders?
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